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How do you adjust the pitch on a Durasol awning?

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8:51 pm



posts 4

Dear friend,

I find with most retractable awnings you will find one or two larger nuts on the face of the arm
shoulder – the opposite side of where the arm attaches.

Step 1 Roll the awning out

Step 2 Loosen the nut(s) described above a turn or two – DO NOT remove them. These nuts LOCK the arm in place, removing them can create a dangerous situation.

Step 3  Most Durasol arms have a 4mm or so Allen bolt sticking on the front of the shoulder which allows you to adjust the pitch, some have one which others have two. While lifting up on the arm slightly to take the load of these bolts, loosen or tighten the Allen bolts to achieve the desired front bar height.

Step 4 Move to the other arm and perform step 2 and 3

Step 5 Level the front bar and retighten the main nuts you loosened in step 2 on BOTH arms

Step 6 Retract the awning and extend it again to confirm pitch setting.


I hope this helps!

Stay shady my friend!

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How do you adjust the pitch on a Durasol awning?

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